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Zazen Instruction

Zazen Meditation Instruction

We offer Zazen instruction by zoom only. Please use our contact form to make arrangements with us before attending a zoom meditation for the first time. We can either meet with you before a formal sitting or by special arrangement. 

Here is a link to an article  An Introduction to Zen in Tricycle Magazine.

Beginner’s Talk — The following talks were given in the Fall of 2011 at TTS by Jack Duffy. These words were offered for beginners and beginners-at-heart.

Book Suggestions

    • Zen Flesh Zen Bones: A Collections of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings by Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki
    • The Still Point: A Beginners Guide to Zen Meditation by John Daido Loori
    • Path of Enlightenment: Stages in a Spiritual Journey by John Daido Loori
    • Three Pillars of Zen by Philip Kapleau.
    • Taking the Path of Zen by Robert Aitken.
    • The Way of Zen by Alan Watts.
    • Dropping Ashes on the Buddha By Seung Sahn.